You should avoid them because they are dangerous. They are able to pull you into the ocean and tire you out.
If caught in a fast flowing river current you should swim parallel to the current and you should always go feet first so you know where you are going and your head does not crack open if you bump into anything
you swim sideways to escape the current. NEVER SWIM AGAINST IT!!! you will get tired and lose the will to swim.Swim on an angle to the beach
If caught in a rip tide, stay calm and swim parallel to the shore to escape the current before heading back to land. Do not panic or swim against the current, as it will just tire you out. Signal for help if needed.
Make the rescue and swim along the current, so if the current is coming from in front of you go to your left or right, not forward and against it.
No, you should NOT try to you swim against a rip current or rip tide. You will NOT usually make it back to shore. Instead, you should swim perpendicular to the rip. It will carry you down shore, but you'll get to shore safely.
You should never swim directly towards the shore. you should always swim diagnile towards it. helping the waves push you in. your welcome, Jeff wright
Sut there are no Pokemon that can swim in fast current. you can only surf in normal water.
There is no current.
No, they do not swim. Hadrosaurs (duckbilled dinosaurs) are the only ones that swim. Imagine that...a hadrosaur!
a rip current. This fast-moving water can pull swimmers away from the shore and out to sea, posing a danger to those caught in its grip. Swimmers should avoid struggling against the current and instead try to swim parallel to the shore to escape its pull.
Riptides, also known as rip currents, are strong, narrow currents that flow from the shore back to the open ocean. They can pull swimmers out to sea and are dangerous for those caught in them. It is important to swim parallel to the shore if caught in a rip current to escape its pull.
Not sure when this was posted but current models for 2007 are: Carla Ossa (swim & fashion), Jessiqa Pace (swim), Rachel Reynolds (swim), Karen Carreno (swim & fashion), Bree Condon (swim & fashion) and Angela Marcello (fashion)