If she is +24 weeks it can be.
Yes swimming is excellent when pregnant and a exercise you can do all through the pregnancy. It wont harm you or the baby in any way.
If the doctor knows you are 30 weeks pregnant and wants to do it, it's probably safe. If you have questions, talk to the doctor and find out if there are any risks and what they are.
Check with your doctor, but as long as you have not passed your plug, you should be good to go.
36 weeks ago.
of course you can learn to drive!! That way you will have your licence by the time the baby arrives and you can go on little trips together!! |Good luck!!
when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you? when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?
Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.
Certainly. There is a plug of mucus in your cervix blocking off the path to bacteria then you also have your bag of waters protecting the baby. So go, have fun. Swimming is GREAT for pregnant women.
frog are pregnant for 2-5 weeks.
You have been pregnant for 22 weeks and should be delivering in approximately 17 weeks.
if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.