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It doesn't really matter what the outside temperature is as long as you are comfortable with the water temperature. I have swam in an indoor/outdoor pool in the middle of January in below freezing (in Canada) where the water was probably 90degrees. I even stood on the deck for a few seconds and was still warm with the water steaming off me.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

About 85F - up enough to be warm when you get out and under 90F if it is windy will freeze you

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βˆ™ 14y ago

If you are in a race, people swim faster in cold water.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

any temperature over 70 is what i say but that's just my opinion

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I would say at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit

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βˆ™ 13y ago

30 degrees

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Q: How warm should it be to go swimming?
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You definitely can go swimming. The question should be, "Should you go swimming if you have a bad cough or running nose?" And no, you should not go swimming unless the water is warm enough, almost hot. - User:Johnnyeg94-IMPROVED ANSWER-(BY SUNLIGHT210)My advice to you is to NOT go swimming with any symptoms of a cold or any sickness. One reason is that you're mucus can get into the water and spread, and because of the infected water, other people can get sick. Another reason is that it will most likely worsen your sickness. Therefore, it is not recommended to go swimming with symptoms of a cold or any other disease.Hope that helps!~Sunlight210

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uhh no. that's warm water. if you want to go swimming with great white sharks be my guest, but id use a tampon.

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Add an AquaWarm Swimming Pool Cover - I did and it works wonders.

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