There are no accurate records because people are frequently lost at sea for all kinds of reasons. Unless a body with clear evidence of a fatal shark attack is recovered, there's no way of telling whether a shark is responsible. It isn't like a car crash, where the cause of death or injury is often immediately clear. When it comes to analysing the threat to people from sharks it is necessary to consider many more people are killed by drowning, or attacks by marine creatures other than sharks, and many, many, more are killed or horribly injured simply driving to the beach. It's a matter of perspective.
People do eat sharks. Shark fin soup is very popular. Shark's liver is a great source of vitamin A. Shark meat is cheap and is widely eaten. More people eat sharks than sharks eat people.
no sharks are not eaten by whales
no sharks are not eaten by whales
Often they are eaten by predators such as sharks.
yes. sea turtles often get eaten by mostly people in Columbia and other countries in South America even though it is illeagl.
apart from people rock scallops are eaten by sharks penis!
Tiger Sharks are their biggest threats
Sharks eat each other quite often. Sharks can also be eaten by any larger fish - if the shark is young or quite small, a barracuda or grouper could eat it.
seal are not hunted by humans but yes they do get eaten by humans, seals do however get hunted by killer whales , sharks, and polar bear.
They are an R-Strategist which means that they make many young for a higher chance of survival but don't take care of their young. BA