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The price varies quite a bit depending on the location (also known as a dropzone) and altitude you choose to jump from. Pricing for a tandem jump in the US varies from $100 to $350. The former will usually get you up to 10,000ft and the latter will usually get you a jump from 18,000ft. For $36,500 you can do a tandem jump at Mt. Everest (29,035ft - 8848m).

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14y ago
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14y ago

The price varies quite a bit depending on the location (also known as a dropzone) and altitude you choose to jump from. Pricing for a tandem jump in the US varies from $100 to $350. The former will usually get you up to 10,000ft and the latter will usually get you a jump from 18,000ft. For $36,500 you can do a tandem jump at Mt. Everest (29,035ft - 8848m).

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14y ago

From Skydiving Magazine:

Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere from $85 to $125 for your first static line jump and $100 to $200 for a tandem jump. The AFF program is sometimes sold as a complete package of seven to 10 jumps, costing around $1,500. The first AFF jump normally runs about $250. These prices include all equipment, instruction and the ride to altitude.

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14y ago

The price varies quite a bit depending on the location (also known as a dropzone) and altitude you choose to jump from. Pricing for a tandem jump in the US varies from $100 to $350. The former will usually get you up to 10,000ft and the latter will usually get you a jump from 18,000ft. For $36,500 you can do a tandem jump at Mt. Everest (29,035ft - 8848m).

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12y ago

Depends very much on what you want to achieve. If you simply want to see what it feels like with minimal training, then the best way to experience it is by opting for a 'tandem' jump. You will be securely strapped to a very experienced instructor and leave the aircraft at between 10,000-15,000', depending on the Drop Zone (DZ). You will then have up to 60 seconds in free fall and the instructor will open his/her main canopy at around 5,000'. You will be able to steer the canopy yourself (can be a lot of fun, depending on how adventurous you are!) until you are nearing the ground, which will take around 4-5 minutes, at which point the instructor will take back control in preparation for landing which should be very gentle.

Most people opt for a DVD film to be taken by another skydiver and the cost for that alone is between £40-60. The jump itself will cost you between £150-225, again depending on which DZ you choose.

However, many people get sponsorship for a favourite charity and often get to do the jump for free. As a rough rule of thumb, you need to have sponsors agreeing to sponsor you for twice the entire cost of the jump (max £570). Half of the money goes to pay for the experience and the other half goes to the charity. You would normally have to pay up front and then collect the money after the event from those that have agreed to sponsor you.

Tip - when you get the form for the sponsorship, always go to your potential biggest contributors first, like family and close friends. When anyone agrees to sponsor someone for anything, the first thing they do before signing is to look at how much others have already agreed to pay - if the first two or three are donating, say, £25-30, they are not likely to fob you off with 50p! That way you will require fewer sponsors and it will be easier to collect the promised amounts. You will be given a certificate at the end of the day to show proof that you actually did go ahead.

The next option is what they call 'RAPS' (Ram Air Progression System). This costs a similar amount to the tandem jump, except that you will often get two jumps for the same price; again depending on the DZ. This is for those who think that they might take up skydiving as a regular activity in the future. More training is required because you will be jumping by yourself, although your parachute will be opened automatically by a 'static line'.. The training usually takes one day and the jump(s) take place the following day. The same rules apply for sponsorship.

The 'Rolls Royce' of learning to skydive (and the most expensive) is the 'Accelerated Free Fall' course which can cost up to £2,000. This is by far and away the best way to get introduced to skydiving if you are certain that you want to take it up as a sport. Your first jump will be from 12-15,000' and you will have two instructors holding on to you as you exit the aircraft. They will ensure that you are able to fall in a stable position and even open your parachute for you if you fail to do so yourself. After about 8-10 jumps you will be experienced enough to go completely solo. When I started, thirty seven years ago, it took me well over sixty jumps to get to that stage, so although it's a lot of money up front, it is in fact very good value for money.

DZs have different prices for each jump once you are qualified, but it costs around £23 to jump from 12-15,000', £15 for 3.5-8000' plus the hire of the parachute and associated equipment - helmet, goggles, gloves, altimeter, jump suit and radio (so you can hear what the instructor is saying to you when under canopy). This will cost between £5-15 per jump.

If you get 'hooked' by the sport, you will very quickly find a way of buying your own equipment and then the costs diminish rapidly; but it's never going to be 'a poor man's pastime' - aircraft are expensive to hire.

Once you are suitably experienced, you may want to explore the delights of 'BASE' jumping, which is most often free, unless you get caught and fined.....:)

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13y ago

The Cessna C-182 carries 4 jumpers and is probably the mainstay of the skydiving industry around the world. A 182 can be bought in the USA and outfitted for skydiving for around $50,000 depending on its age and condition. Of course it is an airplane and could cost you $200,000, but that you not make it economically feasible to own for skydiving purposes.

Other skydiving aircraft that are popular, like turbines include:

DeHavilland Twin Otter - $1,000,000 to $2,500,000

PAC-750 - $1,500,000

Shorts Skyvan - $1,000,000

Cessna Caravan - $600,000 to $1,500,000

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12y ago

That depends on where you live. I live near to a dropzone called Target Skysports which is located near to Sheffield, England. They jump from 15000ft. A tandem there costs at time of writing (June 2012), £240. This is where you are harnessed to a tandem instructor which only takes 20 minutes of teaching.

Once you get qualified (e.g. through an AFF course), a jump becomes much cheaper - around £20 a skydive.

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13y ago

It varies by which drop zone you go to, call your closest DZ to ask fro pricing. If you want to do a tandem, it' going to be in the $100-$300 price range fro one jump.

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14y ago

20,000 pesos

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