typically around $20-$30 depending on where you get it done, just ask around for the best price. also check the local fire station, a lot of times they know where to get it done cheap since they have to get tanks hydroed all the time
Scuba Cylinders must be tested VISUALLY (called a visual test !!) every 2.5 years.
They must have a HYDRAULIC test every 5 years (previously 4) (hydraulic is also known as hydrostatic testing)
typically around $20-$30 depending on where you get it done, just ask around for the best price. also check the local fire station, a lot of times they know where to get it done cheap since they have to get tanks hydroed all the time
In the area of $20-$40
A test pressure whcih is used to perform hydro test is known as hydro test pressure, besically the hydro test pressure is more then the design pressure of pipe, tank, pressure vessel ..................
Scuba Cylinders must be tested VISUALLY (called a visual test !!) every 2.5 years. They must have a HYDRAULIC test every 5 years (previously 4) (hydraulic is also known as hydrostatic testing)
It means to re-hydro test the tank. It must be done after the date on the bottle or you cant get it refilled.
"Hydro" is short for Hydrostatic Testing. After so many years (listed on each tank) a propellant tank must be retested for leaks and material strength. If it fails, it is condemned and cannot be refilled, if it passes, you may use it until the next test date, which will be engraved onto the bottle. Hydro testing can be done by either physically going to and ordering, or mailing your tank to the manufacturer.
What is the procedure for hydro-testing?
What is the procedure for hydro-testing?
A hydro test is a test used to determine the strength and integrity of a pressure vessel or piping system by filling it with water and pressurizing it to a specified level. Hydrostatic refers to the resulting pressure that is exerted by a fluid at rest due to gravity.
they use 150% of the tanks rated pressure so for a 4500psi tank they test it at around 6700psi
the maker of the tank, the pressure that it should operate at...eg (WP 228BAR)then the test pressure that the cyl is tested at (TP 350BAR)and the capacity the cylinder would hold if filled with water eg 12 L 12 litres
Scuba tanks are marked with different stamps. Some of these stamps are put on the tank at manufacture and some are added periodically when a cylinder is tested. The main stamps put on the cylinder at manufacture indicate the manufacturer, the volume of the cylinder, the working pressure and the test pressure. The test stamps are put on the cylinder by testing stations to indicate that the cylinder is safe to use. These test stamps have the date and a testing station stamp.