It depends how many gallons your pool is. Once you buy your chlorinating system, the install manual will tell you how much salt to add based on how many gallons in the pool. I have an Autopilot Digital and it tells me when it needs salt. I still check it with test strips to be safe.
You do have CHLORINE! My word are these things misunderstood. You are making chlorine from the salt!
I may add::
Find and read the instructions for the salt system. -- obviously you did not do that -- READ or have it read for you and educate yourself as to the parameters of pool maintenance and maintenance of the equipment that you have had installed. YOU DO HAVE A CHLORINE/SALT POOL..... If you added the salt system because you did not want chlorine in the pool then you have absolutely done the wrong thing. How were you planning on sanitizing the water? While you are at it -- familiarize yourself with the rest of the pool equipment because it is going to be in your yard for some time to come. You are now committed to daily or weekly pool maintenance from here on out. Salt is not the only thing that you have to add to the water in order to maintain it. Do some homework and fine out what it takes to have a pool -- SOON. Otherwise your $30 to $80,000 investment will be nothing but a horrible smelly pit.
If you do not have a salt system - adding salt to the pool does not make it a salt system pool. You have to have the equipment to change the salt to chlorine.
Follow the instructions on the bag of swimming pool salt based on the size of your particular pool. k
The answer is going to be based on th size of your pool and where you are located. Check with your building for more information.
This information should be obtained from the manufacturer of the saltwater chlorinater you use. it also depends on how much salt is in it now.
We have a salt water pool and have no eye problems. Either you have too much saLt or chlorine. Take a sample to a local pool store for analysys.
A fresh water swimming pool is a swimming pool that does not use a saltwater chlorinator. A pool that used a salt water chlorinator has salt added to it to so that a salt water chlorinator can electronically convert part of the salt into chlorine. A fresh water pool has chlorine added to it directly either manually or Automatically.
NO !!
Either the to much salt was added or the sensor is out of calibration or bad.
Try a pool shop
Drain some water out, a little at a time, and add fresh water.
You can swim in a pool without chlorine or salt they just keep the pool clean. but if you do it can give you bad skin
I have never heard of using an anti caking agent with salt. Are you using the right type of salt - - swimming pool salt is the only salt to be used in a swimming pool - NO OTHER. The proper salt to be used will readily dissolve as it is poured into the pool. The salt does need to be brushed as it settles to the bottom of the pool. Have you done that? Did you read the instructions on the proper start-up procedures? k