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On the bottle it should tell you how much per gallon of water, also it depends on how bad your pool is. If you're really unfamiliar, you better get the pro's, unless its a small seasonal pool, then I go with not enough chemical, go light because you don't want anyone to die in it.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

This depends on how low the PH is. Many pool shops will test your water for free. Take a water sample to the pool shop along with the size of the pool and they should be able to give you a fairly accurate idea.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You can not purchase pH or add it even if you could find it. Adjusting the pH requires other chemicals such as muriatic acid, soda ash, baking soda. You need a test kit to determine what you need and how much to add of the above products.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

That depends on the condition of the water at this particular time. A good way to find out is to take a sample of water from the pool to your pool shop where they will test it for you and tel you exactly what you require.

Acid Hydrochloric Acid , is used to lower pH, it also lowers T.otal A.lkalinity so raise the T.A. so that when acid is added, to lower the pH to the correct level, the T.A. is also reduced to the correct range.

Note: Hydrochloric Acid must always be diluted (one part acid to ten parts of water) prior to adding to the pool. Always add acid to water, never water to a

If you are buying acid at a pool store or super market it will most likely be muriatic acid which is a diluted form of hydrochloric, about 33%. You can add this directly to the pool without diluting. Add it near a return line in the deepest part of the pool with the pump running.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Muriatic Acid lowers the pH level in a pool.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Depending on the size of your pool, i would suggest 6 ounces per 10,000 gallons of pool water. check it again in a couple of days. repeat this cycle until the acceptable ph is reached.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

pH should be between 7.2-7.6

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Q: How much pH does a swimming pool need?
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Your pH in your pool is just a little high how much pH decrease do you need?

It depends on the volume of your pool and what level your Ph is at.

What does pH buffer do in swimming pool?

my sack

Raise ph in swimming pool?

Soda Ash

Why do you need to test the water in a swimming pool?

first you must test for ph with a ph testing kit, then if the water is a good ph level, add 2L chlorine for every 100L, then wait for 2 days, then get in the pool and it should be fine! ;) my number's: 0473897234

What is the effects of adding an acid to a swimming pool?

It lowers PH

What level should the pH be when shocking a swimming pool?

a swimming pool it should be neutral pH ie green

How do you lower the Ph in the inground swimming pool?

add a PH reducer chemical

Do you need to correct the PH in a swimming pool before adding chlorine?

Everythging works better when the balance is correct, but you do not need to correct the pH before adding chlorine. Just keep an eye on it.

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What will result if sodium bicarbonate is used to lower ph in a swimming pool?

Using sodium bicarbonate to lower pH in a swimming pool is not effective. Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is typically used to raise pH levels in pools. To lower pH in a pool, an acid such as muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate should be used.

What kind of pool supplies do you need to maintain your swimming pool over the summer?

The best way to find out what pool supplies you will need is to go to your local pool store and speak to a worker there. You should remember to ask when chemicals will be needed to keep your Ph in balance.

How do you raise the pH levels in your pool?

To raise the pH levels in your pool, you can add pH increaser or sodium carbonate. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper dosage based on your pool's size and current pH level. It's important to test your pool water regularly and adjust the pH as needed to maintain a balanced and safe swimming environment.