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We tip $10 per person (husband and I) for each day of two tank dives - especially if they help change over our gear, take us some place special, etc. From October 1999 of "Rodale's Scuba Diving" magazine: "For those interested in tipping, guidelines for day dive boats include: (1) Gratuities are just that, something given voluntarily and beyond obligation for a service rendered. They are not mandatory; (2) An appropriate amount is somewhere between 10-15 percent of the cost of the diving expenses, not including gear rental, park or chamber fees, and other incidentals. This amount should be adjusted so as to fit the level of service, with a range of 0 to 15 percent being acceptable, although some generous divers do leave more; (3) In most situations, you need tip only one crew member, often the DM who primarily attended you. The tip will be shared among the crew according to their internal agreements. If a particular crew member rendered a special service which was above and beyond the call of duty, e.g., brought a piece of his personal gear from home for your use, cleaned up after you following an episode of sea sickness, etc., then an individual gratuity could be justified; and (4) If your crew changes every day, tips will probably be most fairly shared if given daily. If your crew is stable and you desire to consider tips at the end of the trip, let the DM know. Of course, human nature being what it is, the immediate rewards of a tip at the end of each diving day may result in the best service."

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