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Q: How much denser is water compared to air?
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What weighs more water or air?

Water weighs more than air. This is due to the density of the substances - water is much denser than air, so a given volume of water will have more mass (and thus weight) compared to the same volume of air.

Why is air displaced by water?

Air is displace by water because water is much denser than air and therefor is much harder to compress.

Is helium or air you breathe out denser?

Air you breathe out is denser than helium. This is because exhaled air contains a higher concentration of carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are denser than the gases in the atmosphere. Helium is much lighter than air and tends to rise up.

Why does sound in air is very slow compared to that in water?

Sound travels faster the closer the particles are. Denser material has faster sound.

Why is water denser than air?

Water is denser than air because water molecules are closer together and have a higher mass per unit volume compared to air molecules. This is due to the intermolecular forces present in water that cause molecules to be more tightly packed. Air molecules are further apart and have lower mass, resulting in air being less dense than water.

Why are force meter readings lower in water than in air?

Force meter readings are lower in water than in air because water provides more resistance than air to the movement of an object. This increased resistance in water results in a lower force meter reading compared to when the same object is measured in air.

Can humans hear under water?

Yes, humans can hear sounds underwater, although they are usually muffled and distorted due to the different medium. Water is much denser than air, so sound travels faster and farther, but with a reduced clarity compared to in air.

Explain how a ship made of materials that are much denser than water is able to float on water?

It's the air in there.

Why the velocity of sound in air is very slow compared to that in water?

Sound travels faster in water than in air because water is denser and has a higher elastic modulus. This allows sound waves to propagate more efficiently through water compared to air, where the particles are less tightly packed and have less ability to transmit sound waves.

Will sound travel in water?

Yes, sound can travel in water, but it travels faster and farther in water compared to air because water is denser and transmits sound more efficiently. Sound travels around four times faster in water than in air.

What medium does light pass slower than air?

Light passes slower through mediums that are denser than air, such as water or glass. This decrease in speed is due to the increased interactions the light particles have with the molecules in the denser medium.

Is sound louder and clearer when it travels through water?

Sound travels faster and farther in water compared to air because water is denser. However, clarity and loudness of sound depend on various factors such as temperature, pressure, and presence of impurities in water. Under optimal conditions, sound can be clearer and louder in water compared to air.