The average adult at rest inhales and exhales something like 7 or 8 liters (about one-fourth of a cubic foot) of air per minute. That totals something like 11,000 liters of air (388 cubic feet) in a day.
The average human lung has a capacity of 6 liters (approximately).
This does not represent the amount you breathe however. Tidal volume is only 500ml or half of one liter. The tidal volume is what an average person inhales and exhales in a relaxed breath. Values are actually smaller for women. Average breaths per minute are between 9 and 20 times. Much higher for a novice Scuba diver on their first open water dive.
Slightly less than 1% of the air that you breathe in.
of coarse lizards breath their reptiles and reptiles breath air also any creature from the tiniest single celled germ to the biggest blue wale everything needs to breath if they don't breath they will suffocate and die.
Approximately 20% of inhaled air is oxygen and approximately 15% of exhaled air is oxygen. I know that doesn't answer your question fully, but I hope it helps you gain a little more insight.
Its breath of fresh air.
A mammal it an animal that can only breath in air but does not have feathers like birds. Even Dolphins and Whales have to breath air, that is why they come to the surface so often, they can hold their breath much longer than a human can as well.
all of it
because water is how they breath and air is how we breath. we cannot breath in water so they cannot breath in air.
None walruses die in 12 hours due to the lack of air
The average human normally takes in about 35 lbs of air per day.
u've got 2 inspire air as much as u can then hold ur breath by expiring z air from ur mouth and not ur nose this time.
Yes. All humans breath a type of air called oxygen. Without oxygen we would die.
We get rid of waste when we breath out and when we breath in we take oxygen in to our lungs and breath.