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Scuba diving is usually non-college training. You can complete the training in 2 weekends. One weekend will be spent doing class and pool work, then the next weekend will be spent doing the open water dives to finish the certification.

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How many years does scuba diver?

4 years 200 dives dive master

Do you need experience to scuba dive?

I am a scuba diver. To start SCUBA, you must pass training. Many training centers are available in many areas.

What can a scuba diver purchase from the Air Hog online shop?

A scuba diver can purchase many things for scuba diving at the Air Hog online shop. They can purchase dive knives, dive lights, dive computers, and dive bags which will help them in scuba diving.

Can you go near a shark without getting bitten?

Yes, I am a scuba diver and I have dived with many sharks, some of which I could have reached out and touched.

What kind of training does one need to be a scuba diver?

There are many different things one must learn in order to be a scuba diver. Some of the more common practices are learning how to breath under water properly, learning how to put your gear on properly and learning safety tips in case something goes wrong.

How much does an average scuba diver weigh?

I am a Scuba certified and I weigh 150 Lbs, in my class there were some other people in the 250+ range, and there were people as light as 90 Lbs. Basically what I am getting at is that as long as you can swim you can Scuba dive. Average weight is very hard to determine since there are so many various divers.

How far can a scuba diver dive without an oxygen tank?

Every person is different but free diving requires a lot from a diver. It isn't a sport you just jump into and go. It is a progression that requires a lot of time and training. It isn't for the recreational diver. There is no right answer. It's similar to how many G's a person can stand, it comes down to how bad one wants to try.

How many years does it take to learn how to scuba dive?

It takes about 5 days.

How much has scuba diving changed since it was invented?

It has changed in many ways, from crude equipment to allow a person to breathe underwater in very shallow depths to modern equipment which allows a diver to reach great depths, relatively speaking. Go to the Related Link to read about the History of scuba:

What element do scuba divers need to prevent the bends?

Scuba divers need to decompress after a deep dive so that the oxygen levels in their blood return to normal before returning to the surface. Otherwise they will get the bends. A scuba diver will typically use his or her dive table or computer to figure out how many minutes they must decompress before resurfacing from the dive. Decompression takes place when a diver figures out the amount of time they need to wait at a certain depth under water before they can resurface. They also need to take into account how much air they have left so they can safely wait underneath the water for said period of time. A scuba diver will usually hold onto a drop line and simply breath and wait the allocated amount of time at the prescribed depth and only then safely return to the surface.

Did you use scuba gear in the Vietnam War?

I did not myself, but friends of mine did. SCUBA equipment had been around for many years, and was used by Navy personnel from time to time.

How many years of college for astromomy?

You have to do 2 years of college.