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Q: How many tugboats pulled titanic up belfast lough?
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How many tugboats pulled titanic up the belfast lough?

56,972 mini tug boats

How many tugboats pulled up Belfast lough?


Why was the titanic built in belfast?

Titanic was built in the slipyards of Harland & Wolff at the River Lagan on the Belfast Lough.

What was The month the titanic was launched?

The hull of Titanic was launched into Belfast Lough on "Launch Day", March 31st, 1909.

Where was the hull of Titanic launched?

The Titanic was launched on May 31, 1911. Her maiden (first) voyage departed on April 10, 1912.

When did the titanic start from?

Titanic did not sink in a city. She sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean.

DOES BELFAst have sea?

Belfast is a port built at the mouth of the River Lagan and where it joins Belfast Lough, so it is close to the sea.

Is there a river called after belfast?

No but there is a river named Mario and another river called Isabellayes, the Belfast Lough

What noise did people hear when titanic got to Belfast Lough?

Oh honey, when the Titanic arrived at Belfast Lough, people heard all sorts of noises - the clanging of metal, the sound of engines roaring, and probably a few sailors yelling at each other. It was a whole cacophony of shipyard sounds, like a symphony of construction chaos. Just imagine a chaotic orchestra tuning up, but with more steel and less violins.

Biggest lake in Belfast?

Belfast is a city in Ireland. It does not have any significant lakes in it. The nearest big lake is Lough Neagh, which is about 17 miles from Belfast. It is the largest lake in Ireland.

What body of water borders Belfast Ireland?

Belfast is on an inlet of water known as Belfast Lough, though it is not a lake. It lead out onto the North Channel, which is at the northern end of the Irish Sea.

What great nosie did people hear when the ship reached the mouth of the Belfast lough?

they heard a crash