If 1 lap is going from Point A to B and back to A (a total of 50yds), then 1.2 mi is 42.24 laps.
4787.2 laps if the pool is 25 yards long. And 4377.4157 laps if the pool is 25 meters long...
70.4 25-yard laps are needed to complete one mile.
22 laps in a 25 yard pool is equal to 1/3 mile. In competitive swimming, 66 laps or 1650 yds. is what is considered a mile. If swimming a 50 meter pool, 1,500 meters or 30 laps is a mile.
Zero. In an short course 25 yard pool, one mile is 66 laps. In a long course 50 meter pool, one mile is 30 laps.
first, how many laps to swim a mile in a 25 yard pool. Second, how many laps to swim a mile in a 25 meter pool. Third, subtract the lowest number to get your answer.
In a 25-yard pool, 40 lengths (or 20 laps) equals 1000 yards.
42 (42*2*25= 2,100yds = 1.19mi)
On a 440 yard track, 16. On a 400 meter track, 16.1
Depends on how long the pool is....? 32 laps of a 55 yard pool is one mile... just under 30 laps
It would help to know the size of a pool. I assume it is not 1 yard!
Answer: 1 mi. = 1609.344 m in a 25 yd. pool its 66 laps so 50 yd. pool would be 33 laps