In the Olympics, and other high level diving events such as the NCAA Championships or US Diving Championships, only one platform is competed -- the 10 meter platform.
There are, however, other platform levels that are routinely used. In junior US diving or AAU meets, the 5 meter and 7.5 meter platforms are also commonly used. Divers often use these lower platforms to train, learn new dives, and brush up on basic skills. Many training pools also have a 1 meter and 3 meter platform for training purposes. Young divers can learn skills like armstands or platform take-offs from these heights. However, the 1 and 3 meter platforms are not used in competition.
The smallest diving platform is a 1m. But, there are many other diving platforms. Such as, 3m,5m and 7m etc.
Tom was competing in various diving events.
The platforms that Counter Strike is able to be played on many different platforms such as the XBOX 360, the Playstation 3, the Nintendo Wii, and the Playstation Portable.
In my diving club, there are no members in the US diving at the moment.
Events at the Olympics are performed on a three meter springboard and a ten meter platform.
Ninja Kiwi make games that are available for PC, Mac, iOS and other mobile devices. Different games are available on different platforms, but these are the main platforms that they are made for.
differences between the different computer platforms and their respective operating systems.
Different architecture on different platforms.
Not quite sure what is meant, but if you mean many different sexual positions there is a wide variety of platforms, harnesses and so forth that one can purchase at adult specialty stores or online at sites like just browse and see what's available.
47 platforms and 75 tracks
The fastest type of diving is high diving, where divers jump from platforms ranging from 20-27m high and reach speeds of up to 96 km/h. This extreme sport requires precise technique and skills to execute dives safely from such heights.
the different events are ( aquatics diving swimmin and lots more