You should wait a little bit until it is fully gone because it may be contagious. It could be passed on to other swimmers.
This is called swimmers itch. You can get it by swimming in lakes for long periods of time. It's treatable, so go see a doctor to get an anti itch cream or medicine that will stop the swelling. The dots will eventually fade, and potentially disappear. Hope this helps =)
To get rid of swimmers itch you have to put your swim suit in the dryer to kill the parasite have to do this because when you go swimming in the lake (lake that's dirty and has lots of ducks) the parasite bites you and when it spreads more and it gets into your swim suit and the only way to kill it is to put it into the dryer for 30 to 45 minutes,it also depends on how long until you started getting the itch.
A mosquito's bite will not be itchy for very long. If you do not itch the bite the itch should go away in less than 20 minutes.
A Witchetty Grub bite can itch from 2-4 hours.
50 laps per session
Short vowel sound. Words such as ice and item are long I vowel sounds.
As long as they aren't carrying malaria the only bad thing is that it will itch. If you itch them they will leave scars.
Swimmers may change between their race and practice suits at competitions because wearing the racing suit for long periods of time can be really uncomfortable. They tend to be more form fitting and some swimmers will go down a few sizes in their race suit, making it even tighter.
50000 m long & 2055555 laps
for about 3 hrs
They're not?