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Q: How long is it safe to hold your breath before shallow water blackout?
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How can you hold your breath underwater for a prolonged period of time and avoid shallow water blackout?

It depends on the person, if you are a swimmer, you can probaly hold your breath for about 7-12 strokes, but if you dont excercise your lungs, them I wouldn't reccomend for that 15 seconds

What are the precationary measures in swimming?

1. Never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy or with a lifeguard present. 2. Don't practice breath-hold underwater swimming. Due to varying partial pressures of gases under deep water, it can cause shallow water blackout. You will not know when this happens, and you will go unconscious underwater. Having a lifeguard around is not a green light for breath hold swimming. They are a life guard, not a paramedic. Even if they were, there's no guarantee of revival if you pass out or drown. People have blacked out in pools before with a lifeguard present and still have died.

What are safety rules for lifeguards?

No running, no breath holding, no playing dead, no horse play, no diving(Shallow water) and no splashing.

Why does a swimmer hyperventilate in order to hold their breath for a longer period of time?

So they can hold their breath longer. By hyperventilating they remove excess CO2 in their body, then when they take a deep breath, they are able to have more oxygen in their body, thus being able to hold their breath longer. It can be dangerous because breathing is regulated by the level of CO2 in our body, and when too much is removed, the body doesn't know when breathe again.

How does dolphin sleep?

dolphins sleep in pods in a circle formation in shallow waters or a lagoon with no preditors

Is shallow an adjective?

Yes, "shallow" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that has little depth, significance, or understanding. For example, a shallow lake, a shallow person, or a shallow conversation.

How do you use breath and breathe in a sentence?

"You can improve your concentration by focusing on your breath during meditation." "She took a deep breath before jumping into the cold water."

How manatees escape from their enemies?

They usually stay near shallow water so if they are attacked they are less likely to be dragged under water for more than 15 minutes, thats how long they can hold there breath.

Does Dolphins live in shallow or deep water?

They live in shallow sea water

How does a goldfish live?

a goldfish lives with water to breath in if there overfeed they can still live they just need water to breath you should change the water evrry week if you cange it before then a week they get sick then they die

Is there shallow or deep water in a muskeg?

It can be shallow or deep.

Shallow in a sentence?

The water in the lake was very shallow