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for never. Swimming when you're high is great. So is working with clay, and listen to music, playing music, etc...........

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Q: How long is Mikel Phelps banned from the pool?
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How did Michael Phelps start his career?

by jumping in a pool

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How deep is the pool where Michael Phelps will compete in the Olympics?

2 metres

Michael Phelps used to dope?

as far as the world knows Michael phelps has never tested positive. during the Olympics he tests everyday, before he gets into the pool for practice.

What does Michael Phelps dp on his down time?

How long should pool vacuum operate?

Long enough to clean the pool.

How long is the titanics swimming pool?

It was believed that Titanic's pool is 50 yards long.

How long does it take to do one lap in a olympic size pool?

I need someone to answer i know that a pool is 25 back and forth is 50 so i want to know is 4 laps back and forth are 200meters or 200 feet or something

Does pool have a long or short vowel sound?

The vowel sound in "pool" is a long vowel sound. The letter "o" in "pool" is pronounced like "oo" in the word "cool."

If you swim 16 lengths of a pool how many miles have you swum?

How long is the pool? __________ If the pool is an Olympic-size pool, which is 50 m (164 ft) long, you can calculate the number of miles.

How many lap to do .25 mile in pool?

Depends on how long the pool is.

How long is an average pool?

how long u want it to be