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Wait until the storm passes completely out of the region - not just locally. Lightning can travel enormous distances

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Q: How long do you have to wait before entering a swimming pool after it thunders?
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How long do before swimming in a swimming pool after applying algae guard?

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2-3 months before the piercing can be submerged. You can go swimming now as long as the piercing doesnt get wet.

I want to get my belly pierced how long do you have to wait before you can get into a public swimming pool?

As long as possible but at least 2-3 months. Pools are FILLED with bacteria and swimming greatly increases the risk of infection

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How long when you get a belly button piercing can you swim?

By that i guess you are asking how longs after the piercing do you have to wait?? If so, I was told 1 week before swimming in chlorinated swimming pools

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Depends how fast the car is going, and how wide the intersection is. Usually not long, but long enough to get hit by something else if you don't check first before entering.

How long do you have to wait until you can swim after getting your ears pierced?

Wait at least 2 months before you actually get the piercing wet. Before that, you can swim as long as you dont get your ears wet. Be sure to clean them well afterwards too. Water if filthy, and if you go swimming earlier, you increase the risk of infection.

How does fluid flow improve swimming?

Prepares muscles for short and long distance sets. Like an aerobic warm up before a swim.