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Biomechanics help to understand the best body position to reduce drag following the dive, to maximize the speed that is achieved off the blocks. After the legs push off the wall, the body position must be streamlined to be able to glide further away. For each stroke, the technique has developed over the years due to close examination and research by sports biomechanics staff. Swimming suit (LZR Racer) reduce the friction against the body when cutting through the water, so that a faster time is developed.

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Q: How is swimming physics?
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How does swimming relate to physics?

by the balance of buoyant and gravitational force

What does swimming have to do with science?

Swimming can use physics. It can calculate how fast you will go with arm strokes and teach you how to be a faster swimmer.

What are the terms of physics in a swimming sports?

Technically. While using physics in physics its called. hydrodynamics. hydro is hydrogen and o is for oxegen which would be h2o involving water. ii hope you enjoy.

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i dont want to give a bad answer, but if you type in aquanex in, look at the first three hits and you will get your answer.

How friction related to swimming?

Friction is related to swimming because the water is constantly working against the force of the swimmer and therefore reducing their speed and acceleration. If there was no friction then many of the world's physics would be completely different.

What is the physics in swimming?

For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. All of newtons laws aply as well as achemedes principle

How is swimming scientific?

Swimming involves the application of principles from physics, such as buoyancy, drag, and propulsion. The study of the human body's biomechanics in the water also contributes to the scientific understanding of swimming performance. Additionally, research on swimwear materials and designs demonstrates the application of science in optimizing athletes' performance.

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cabal helix physics meyo internet physics bebang physics. quantom physics resthys physics

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He went swimming in a swimming :)

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What subjects are taught at school in iceland?

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