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In the basics like masks, fins, and snorkel it has changed very little.

In breathing apparatus it has changed significantly. The largest change has been the move from two hose regulators to single hose. The adoption of Diaphragm and environmentally sealed regulators is another big technological leap.

Dive computers which compute the no decompression time for dives was another large step.. Previously, and admittedly still today, many people used precalculated tables which limited the time of the dive. For example if the deepest part of the dive was to 100 feet the tables said you could only be there 8 minutes before having decompression stops. Today with a computer doing the math on-the-fly it is possible to have a dive X minutes longer and still swim around at shallower depths.

Submersible pressure gauges are another big advancement. Earlier divers used a "k" valve which would close when most of the air was gone. You could open it again and then breathe the last of the air as you surfaced. Now a diver always knows how much air is in their tank. The Boyancy Control Device or BCD is another advancment. By wearing a vest that could be filled with air a diver could float neutrally bouyant in the water.

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15y ago

For one, the invention of the wetsuit, and of the more modern wetsuit later. Then there was the invention of the dry suit that was made later. With the older models of Scuba gear, you would have a helmet that you would wear, and someone else would pump air down to you. There were several other changes, such as the scuba tank, the octopus, then the pony tank and the spare tank. There were more inventions such as nitrox and other mixed gases, and there was more reliable gear that was made later. The closed and semi-closed system were also invented later. The sport of scuba has changed also because the masks used to be metal tunnels with glass on the front, so if they broke, they would send sharp shards of glass around. The sport of scuba has changed a lot over the past 100 years.

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15y ago

It has changed because it has added the BC, the air horn, the dry snorkel, nitrox, mixed gases, stronger tanks, the DIN valve, aluminum tanks, plastic masks, the octopus, the pony tank and spare tank, and more durable and safer gear.

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12y ago

It lets you go diving.

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Q: How has Scuba diving changed in the last 100years?
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How to Select Scuba Diving and Snorkeling Equipment?

Much of the gear required for scuba diving and snorkeling are synonymous. Snorkeling, however, requires less equipment than scuba diving, because most of snorkeling exploration takes place on the surface of the water. For both scuba and snorkeling explorers, the following equipment is necessary:•Scuba Mask•Swim Fins•Scuba booties•Snorkels•Wet suitScuba diving involves slightly more instruction. Most divers must obtain a certification to dive before allowed to dive autonomously. Most diving schools focus on the techniques and how to operate and assemble the diving equipment. However, selecting the appropriate diving equipment is equally important. For scuba diving, the explorer must also obtain the following:•Scuba Weights•Scuba Belts•Gauges•Scuba Regulators•Oxygen Tanks (most can be rented on location)Scuba masks are often made of two types of materials: plastic and silicone. Silicone masks are generally more durable than a plastic mask and are recommended. Many silicone masks may last up to 10 years if cared for properly. Underwater photographers prefer silicone masks with black encasing to ensure no extraneous light enters their viewfinder and affects their ability to obtain a quality image. Clear encasings are preferred by explorers who want a full view of their environment under water.Scuba fins typically come in men’s sizes only. Therefore, women must try to accommodate their size by reducing their normal shoe size by one or two sizes. Fins should be worn with booties to avoid blisters. The toes should freely move within the fins. However, too much movement inside the fin will inhibit mobility underwater and may cause leg cramps.A snorkel is an apparatus that fits into the mouth and extends above the water level. The apparatus allows the explorer to have his or her head below water for extended periods of time while still breathing.Oxygen tanks are essential to individuals who dive below the surface of the water for extended periods of time. Rebreathers are also a common piece of equipment to own. This device recycles exhaled air into the scuba system to extend the amount of oxygen available.Selecting the appropriate diving equipment will ensure a safe diving experience devoid of mishaps.

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It: it refers to anything that is not a person.We went diving last weekend, it was exciting. (Here it refers to diving)

When do you have to do a refresher scuba course?

Technically Never. There is no requirement set from the agencies. Sensibly speaking it depends on they type of diving you intend to undertake. Under most circumstances if someone is intending to dive without the presence of a dive master or instructor and has no dives in the last 14 months refresher dives are recommended.

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