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Not Very Fast for all of that heavy fat.

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Q: How fast can pandas swim?
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Why do giant pandas swim?

because they love to swim

How fast does a squid swim?

=How fast does a squid swim?==they can swim really fast=

Why does a panda live on land?

Pandas are not able to swim for very long periods of time (I'm not sure if they can swim at all.) Fish can swim for long periods of time so they live in the water, pandas can not.

Do panda bears swim?

They primarily remain on the ground but they are good climbers and can swim.

Do pandas swim?

they swimm on their bellys and they swim on their backs.Some times they swim to

What bird can swim as fast as a seal?

A penguin can swim as fast as a seal

How fast can a panda move?

Pandas can move really fast

How fast can a black tip reef shark swim?

it can swim as fast as a jet

Do dolphins swim fast?

Dolphin swim fast so they can catch there prey

How fast are giant pandas?

i am bob

Do pandas grow fast?


What do penguins do best swim well or swim fast?

swim well