It would depend upon the speed of the swimmer, and whether the swimmer is actually a dog, or a human.
Yes, the dog can swim. It knows the Doggy Paddle. I bathed my dog in the pool once and he started to do the Doggy Paddle. yes they can swim realy good my dog is little but when you put her in the water omg she is so fast...
They doggy-paddle, just like a dog would.
yes it can, but be with your dog the whole time. all dogs can swim. most don't like to but they can all swim. that is where doggy paddle came from :D
Paddle, like what a dog would do when it swims.
They paddle in the same way a dog does the doggy paddle in water. Back legs move back and forth while the front paddle away.
Yes, wombats can swim. They swim best, and quite efficiently, over short distances, using a streamlined dog-paddle style, with the rear two-thirds of the wombat submerged.
Yes. All wombats can swim. They swim best, and quite efficiently, over short distances, using a streamlined dog-paddle style, with the rear two-thirds of the wombat submerged.
"A polar bear can swim like a fish," or "A polar bear swims like a dog: it always uses the doggie paddle when in the water."
bathe, breast-stroke, crawl, dive, dog paddle, float, freestyle, glide,, go wading, high-dive, move, paddle, race, stroke, submerge, wade I got these from I hope these help!
The word swim is both a verb and a noun.The noun swim is a word for an occasion when swimming took place:We went for a swim today and we can go for a swim tomorrow.The noun forms for the verb 'to swim' are swimmer, and the gerund, swimming.
They do the doggy paddle