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Q: How does a surfer know what waves to expect?
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What does surfer mean in French?

The French verb "surfer" means 'to surf' -on the waves or on the internet - in French.

Which type of wave would be beneficial to a surfer?

tranverse waves

What does the surfer call a lip of a breaking waves?

A hook. The lip.

How does a surfer dude know what kinds of waves to expect?

A surfer dude can check surf forecast websites or apps that provide information on wave height, direction, and period. They can also use their experience and knowledge of local weather patterns to predict the types of waves they might encounter at a particular beach. Additionally, talking with other surfers or locals can help provide insights into the expected wave conditions.

Why do you think surfers study the waves before going surfing?

So they get a basic idea of what the waves are like. They want to know what to expect when they get out in the water.

How the height of an ocean wave determines the motion of a surfer on the wave?

It makes the waves either more dranstic, or dull. Meaning the surfer would either be going really high on waves, or barely at all.KK hope it helps:)

What type of wave would be the most benficial to a surfer?

South padre island waves

Would a surfer be more concerned about a wave's wavelength amplitude or frequency and why?

A surfer would be more concerned about a wave's amplitude and frequency. Amplitude determines the size and power of the wave, impacting the ride experience. Frequency indicates how quickly waves are approaching, affecting the surfer's ability to catch and ride them effectively.

What actors and actresses appeared in Soul Waves - 2010?

The cast of Soul Waves - 2010 includes: Alan Kavanagh as Himself - Kite Surfer

How do you cope with surfing big waves?

Learn from an experienced surfer, but don't surf waves that are too large or else you could fall over and drown.

About the band Surfer Blood?

What do you want to know about the band Surfer Blood? The best way to get the band to know is to listen to their music, see link below.

What does surf's up mean?

Surf's Up Means That The Waves Are At The Best Height For Surfing. Hence The Phrase."Surf's Up!...Or Tasty Waves. At Least This Is What It Means To Me. A Cali Surfer Girl.