Sea snakes are actually relatively rare creatures. Divers who dive in areas where sea snakes are known to exist (Western Pacific and Indian ocean) simply take care not to interfere with the animals (which are actually quite docile). Sea snake bites are rare in themselves, and usually happen to paddlers who step accidentally on the snake.
A scuba diver can purchase many things for scuba diving at the Air Hog online shop. They can purchase dive knives, dive lights, dive computers, and dive bags which will help them in scuba diving.
aqualung, snorkle, SCUBA tank
To help clean the earth and stop killing fishs
a divice that supplies air to underwater swimmers
submerines and SCUBA GEAR
i dont no figure it out your self weirdo well if u dnt know dnt responed
One way you can help protect octopuses is to stop littering in the ocean.
There are weight belts that are used in weightlifting to keep a person from busting apart. Different kinds of belts are used in the area of scuba diving to help a diver better submerge.
The diver uses an air tank, which is a tank filled with compressed air. It has a hose that goes from the tank to the mouth, which is held in the mouth by a 'mouth piece'. The tank has a regulator that allows the pressure in the tank to be regulated down for normal breathing.
Ocean City