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training for your first Triathlon: (Keep in mind that it depends on what your current athletic ability is) If you are training for a Sprint Triathlon and you currently participate in active sports on a regular basis or go to the gym 3-4 times a week and include cardio in your workout, then you could probably finish a Sprint Triathlon right now without training! However if you are looking to place in the top tier or are training for an olympic distance, then I would suggest the following training schedule. *** Remember - this is for people who are somewhat athletic already - if you are in bad athletic shape, then you may need a longer training program. 3 month training schedule: 1st month-

Swim - 10 laps (20 lengths) in an olympic sized pool 2 days a week for the first week, taking breaks as needed. In the second week, swim the same distance twice a week, but try not to take breaks. In the third and fourth week, swim freestyle for 20 laps twice weekly with no stops. This is about a half mile. The olympic distance is 1 mile, so you will be half way there.

Bike - Olympic distance is 27 mile, Sprint is typically half that, but varies. In the first week, try to get 10 miles in twice. The second week, bumb it up to 12 miles twice that week, in the third and fourth week, bumb it up to 15 miles - you are half way to the olympic distance.Run 10 miles in the first week, 15 miles in the second and third week, and 20 miles in the fourth week. Don't worry about speed, this is just to get your legs used to running again. 2nd month-

Swim - Try to get in 25 laps (50 lengths and 2/3 miles) in the 1st week of the second month and then try again the second week to do it freestyle without stopping. In the third and fouth week, swim 36 laps (72 lengths and a full mile) and try to finish it freestyle, non stop.

Bike - 1st week, bump up your ride to 20 miles twice, and then 25 miles in the second week. The third and fourth week you should be doing at least 30 miles 2 times a week.

Run - Time to get endurance and speed up! Repeat this schedule for the month, steadily increasing the distance: Week 1 - Day one - Sprint at 100% for 1/4 mile, then jog at 25% for 1/2 mile, then Sprint at 100% for the final 1/4 mile - Do this for 2 miles, then jog 1 mile for a cool down at about 50-60%. Day Two - Run distance at a slow pace - try to get in 8 miles. Day 3 - do the olympic distance 6.2 mile (10K) at your normal distance running pace. Weeks 2-4, bump up the distances except keep one day as your 6.2 distance to track your progress - try to beat each time from the previous week. 3rd month: (Race prep month)

Swim - Try to swim at least a mile non-stop twice weekly - if you can go for more than a mile, that would be even better!

Bike - One distance bike a week - try to get in 30+ miles at least once a week.

Run - One distance and One Sprint per week - Distance - try to get in at least 10 miles. Sprint - do the same as in month 2 but add hills to the mix if you can.

****BRICK**** This is very important in your training! As you noticed, I dropped 1 bike ride and 1 day of running from your training program. This extra day should be used to get used to the transition from the bike to the run. It is the most difficult part of the race but can be over come with preparation. Ride your bike for 27 miles and then immediately hop off and run for 6.2 miles. If you don't have enough time to get the whole workout in, then reduce the distances, but ultimately you need to get used to the odd feeling in your legs during this transition. Now you are ready to compete in any Olympic triathlon and should be able to finish in the top tier of people in a Sprint Triathlon. GOOD LUCK Mitch Stewart

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12y ago

Yes, if you would like to prepare for a triathlon you should look into a couple of different workouts. You will want to try Sprint Triathlon Swim workouts if the swimming is what you need the most help in.

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14y ago

Most triathletes train the same way as you would usually train for a swimming competition, with a majority belonging to a swimming club

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What is a mini triathlon?

A mini triathlon is shorter (in terms of overall distance) event that is designed to allow new triathletes to better their skills, or to encourage fitness enthusiasts to try the sport of triathlon (Swim + Bike + Run). Amongst the triathlon community, there are no standard distances for a mini triathlon; however, the distances would be on the order of: Swim (100 yds to 1/4 mile) Bike (6 miles to 12 miles) Run (1 mile to 3 miles) There are some generally accepted standard triathlon distances for longer events: Iron Distance (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) Half Iron Distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) Olympic Distance (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) A mini-triathlon may also be labelled, "Super-sprint", "sprint", "try-a-tri", "give it a tri"

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What distance is the triathlon swim?


How many events are in a triathlon?

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