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Q: How do you swim properly?
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How do you swim in milk properly?

Exactly like you swim in water.

Can you swim in club penguin without a rubber ducky?

You cannot swim properly but you can stand on the water. You can swim at the Cove or in the swimming pool (underground) hidden under the nightclub, but you can get other items to swim with like a lifeguards top and stuff like that in the catalogue.

Can you swim In salt water after you get your ears pierced?

Yes, so long as the piercings have healed properly.

Tom and John want to join the boys' swim team Is boys properly punctuated?

yes it is. boys'

Can the spiny anteater swim?

The spiny anteater, more properly known as the echidna, can swim. Though its body shape and spines would seem to inhibit its swimming ability, the echidna actually swims quite well, and even uses swimming as a means to regulate its own temperature.

How do dolphins take care of their young?

They feed them milk. They support them until they can swim on their own and breathe properly. They swim around them to protect them from danger. They fight off sharks and other predators.

Why does a duck have two feet?

All birds have 2 feet so they can walk. So they can walk and swim properly!

Can you swim in a pool with the same suit used in the lake?

Yes. Just make sure that the suit is properly washed when you're done.

Why do betta fish sometimes lay on their side?

Betta fish may lay on their side due to stress, illness, or poor water quality. It could also be a sign of swim bladder disorder, which affects their ability to swim properly.

How do you get a pitbull muculer?

Pitbulls are mostly muscular. You only need to feed them properly and add flenty of excersice including swiming. Pitbulls like to swin if properly raised and swim more time and distance than the swiming breeds.

When can you go in the pool after applying algaecide?

Most 50% algaecides if added properly according to gallons of water in your pool allow you to swim immediatly after adding.

When sharks fin get cut off do they die?

Without their fins they can't swim properly and sink to the bottom of the ocean. So they die by either getting eaten or suffocation