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Trae un traje de baño.

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Q: How do you say bring a swimsuit in Spanish?
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How do you say to bring in Spanish?

to bring from= traer to bring to= llevar

How do you say Do not bring in Spanish?

No traes.

How do you say bring some liqior in spanish?

bring me some liquor in Spanish is " traime licor"

What is swimsuit in spanish?

traje de baño.

How do you say bring you happiness in spanish?

you say: "traerte felicidad"

How do you say bring it on in Spanish?

Trailo (trilo)

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You would say "Los dones".

How do you say bring that back in Spanish?

Devuelve eso

How do you say i will bring enchiladas in spanish?

i traerá enchiladas

What does traje de bano mean in Spanish?

It means swimsuit.

What is Spanish word for swimsuit?

Translation: traje de baño

How do you say bring your family in Spanish?

traer a su familia