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This question cannot be answered as asked. What kind of damage has the regulator sustained? Was the first stage damaged? Or one of the 2nd stage mouth pieces? Without knowing, advice about how to repair the device cannot be offered with any degree of reliability.

In any event, I would strongly recommend that you do not attempt to repair a regulator on your own. Regulators are a precision piece of dive equipment and should not be repaired except by qualified technicians. Please ring your regulator to your dive shop and let a qualified person deal with the issue. Do Not attempt to repair the regulator on your own.

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Q: How do you repair a scuba regulator?
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It is called a regulator. To be specific, the part of the regulator that goes in your mouth is called the second stage of the regulator.

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My car can't go faster than 150 mph because of the regulator. Check your regulator every time before you scuba dive.

Where can one purchase a scuba regulator online?

Scuba regulators, also called 'diving regulators', are vital for scuba divers to properly obtain oxygen from a tank. Regulators are available for purchase through diving specialty stores such as Prime Scuba, House of Scuba, and Divers Direct.

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a divice that supplies air to underwater swimmers

Can you raise power window manually?

You have to disconnect the glass from the regulator or clip the regulator cables.See this post for instructions

How do you get window up when motor is gone in 95 aurora?

You have to disconnect the glass from the regulator or clip the regulator cables.Here's how