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look at the seconds, and when you see the same number, a minute has passed. Example: the clock says 25, wait again until it hits 25 again.

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Q: How do you know when a minute has passed on a swimming clock?
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How do you fix clock in 2003 Toyota corolla?

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An alarm clock knows exactly what time to start, by remembering what time you had said to start ringing, and the average alarm clock stops after 1 minute (60 seconds.).

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The second hand goes around once.

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What does the clock do?

Clock can help us to know the time and we can know it is night or it is daytime . We can do the things in according to the time on the clock .

If the length of the minute hand of a clock is 5cm how can you calculate its speed?

To calculate the speed of the minute hand on a clock, you need to know the distance it travels in a specific time period. Since the minute hand completes a full rotation every 60 minutes, you can calculate its speed by dividing the circumference it travels (2πr) by the time period (60 minutes). Given the length of the minute hand (5cm), you can use this information to calculate its speed in cm/minute.

Why does people need a clock?

You need a clock so you will know what time it is. Without a clock, you won't. Be able to know what time it is.

Find area covered by minute hand of the clock from900 am to 935 am?

The minute hand is the radius of the circle. Once you know the radius, you can calculate the area (pi r squared). 35 minutes is 7/12 of the area.

What is another term for Longcase clock?

There are many synonyms to the term, longcase clock. A longcase clock is also called a grandfather clock, floor clock, and tall-case clock. Many people know this type of clock as a grandfather clock.

How many seconds make a circle?

60 seconds make up a circle i know this because the is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in 1 hour and the clock goes around once in every hour