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It's not position four it's lane 4 reserved for the fastest swimmer in the race.

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Q: How do you get to number 4 position at the start of swimming?
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4 digit number having 0 at last position = 9*8*7 =504 4 digit even number having 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 at last position = 8*8*7*4 =1792 (in first position, 0 cannot be fix and in last position one of digit 2,4,6,8 will be fix, so, number of choice left for first position is 8) So, total 4 digit even number possible = 504 + 1792 = 2296

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It is in the hundredths position, so its value is four hundredths.

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The number of permutations of the letters SWIMMING is 8 factorial or 40,320. The number of distinct permutations, however, due to the duplication of the letters I and M is a factor of 4 less than that, or 10,080.

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value of the position: | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | your number | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | sum the value of the position for each position where you have a 1 so 16 + 4 + 2 = 22

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The digit in position 271 after the decimal point is 4.

Which numbers are divisible by 4?

Multiplying 4 by any other integer (whole number) gives you a multiple of 4. By this definition, all multiples of 4 are divisible by 4, as dividing a whole number times 4 by 4 will give you a whole number.Any whole number with:A 4 or 8 in the units position and an even number in the tens position (eg. 4, 8, 24, 44)A 2 or 6 in the units position and an odd number in the tens position (eg. 12, 16, 32, 56)is a multiple of 4 (because 20≡0 (mod 4), and 10≡2 (mod 4)).The hundreds, thousands and all other columns are not relevant, because10n = 2n x 5n∀n>2, n∈ℤ , 2n=22x2k, where 22,2k∈ℤHence, 10n=4 x 25 x 10k, which means that all multiples of powers of 10 greater than 100 are divisible by 4.