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there are no judges, there are timers and head timers and officials that can disqualify you.

the starter blows a horn that tells you to start your race, and it automatically starts the timer. when you finish the race, there will be a touch pad that records the exact time you touch the wall and finish your race. the time is automatically recordes and sent by computer to the officials.

but if the pool does not have touch pads (they are very expensive, so not every pool has them) then there will be timers with a srtopwatch. they start the stopwatch when the horn is blown, and stop it when they see you touch the wall. they will the write your time down and send it to the officials.

if you are disqualified your time is still recorded and sent to the officials, they then erase it and replace it with a DQ.

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Q: How do the judges normally record the results of swimmers in a swimming competition?
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