Divers use substances with high density (ie. lead) to help them sink, and substances with low density (ie. air) to help them float. That way they control their bouyancy.
Many people use a SCUBA suit for diving. Sport divers, police divers and some Navy recovery divers.
Scuba - self contained underwater breathing apparatus
The collective noun is a bubble of scuba divers.
water proof ones
scuba divers use pressure meter because the deeper down you go the more pressure builds upAdditiona depth gauge or a dive computer
Divers usually increase their density by wearing a weight belt (which contains lead weights). Some divers also rely, to a lesser degree, on using steel tanks, which are more dense than aluminum tanks. To decrease their density, divers put air into a Bouyancy Control Device (BCD). Some divers may also control bouyancy by putting air into a drysuit if they wear one. Whereas the increase in density created by the weightbelt is normally fixed, the positive bouyancy provided by the BCD can be varied throughout the dive. Usually a divers net density will decrease over the dive - a diver with a full scuba tank has about 4.5 lbs of extra weight (the weight of the gas) over a diver with an empty scuba tank.
scuba divers
Scuba Divers use a Sonar to find treasure or a hidden ship.
Free divers do but scuba divers do not need to. Scuba divers take their air with them and would have no need to hyperventilate.
For oxygen masks for firefighters, scuba divers etc
They swim