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release air from your buoyancy vest.

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Q: How do I control my buoyancy as I ascend after a dive?
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To control my buoyancy as I ascend after a dive I should?

Gradually but continuously exhale. This is not only to control buoyancy, but to prevent damaging your lungs as the air in your lungs expands (due to external pressure decreasing, internal pressure increases)

Outline three ways to prevent or control most diving problems at occur that the surface?

1. Dive within your limitations. 2. Relax while you dive. 3. Have positive buoyancy at the surface.

Why is bouyancy control important on the surface plus scuba diving?

Buoyancy control is one of the most important skills you will have to master as a scuba diver. On the surface while entering the water you do not want to be too heavy that you will sink while on completing your dive you have to maintain proper buoyancy control so as not to surface prematurely

When you dive into the water do the bubbles carry you to the surface?

No but they give you added buoyancy.

How can the bends be prevented?

Don't dive too deep. Don't exceed no-decompression limits for the depth you dive to. (limits are available in any of the dive calculating tables) Ascend at a slow pace.

What ship can go under water?

A submarine is a type of ship that is designed to operate underwater. It uses ballast tanks and a system of pumps to control its buoyancy and can dive and resurface using the principle of buoyancy.

How is buoyancy used by scuba divers?

SCUBA divers control their buoyancy to keep off the sea floor or from floating up to the surface, to avoid obstacles both above and below them, and to have a more relaxing dive with minimal physical effort. As a diver changes depth, they need to either add or release air from their buoyancy compensator (BC or BCD) to maintain neutral buoyancy. A diver in control of their buoyancy can move through the water with minimal fin input and breath control making the dive a lot more enjoyable (not to mention longer due to not using a lot of air inefficiently to maintain buoyancy control). Buoyancy is not really used by scuba divers, but it does act against them. Since the human body and the gear during scuba diving is held up by the water, especially at farther down depths of the ocean, where the water is more dense because of the weight of the water and the air holding it down. Because of the buoyancy, the divers have to wear weights to offset this buoyancy. Since in scuba diving you use wetsuits, and since these suits have nitrogen bubbles to assist insulation, this makes you float even more. And since your cells contain lipids and other materiels that are lighter than the water, this makes you float even more. This means that scuba divers must use weights to offset the buoyancy.

When using the recreational dive planner table you should ascend no faster than what per minute?

18 metres/60 feet

How does a scuba diver become less or more bouynt?

The primary buoyancy control is by the mass of the equipment and weight-belt versus the diver's natural buoyancy and that of the suit; but divers also use an adjustable buoyancy jacket for fine control.

In scuba diving what is a BCD?

Buoyancy Control devicel

How do scuba divers control their buoyancy?

swallow water

What are the purpose of ballast tanks?

to control the buoyancy of a submarine