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Q: How can you drown if you're wearing a life vest?
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Drowning situations and how to prevent them?

80% of the people that drown are not wearing life vest.

Does a life vest keep a dead person from drowning?

Obviously, the person is dead so they cannot drown, but the life vest will keep the person floating.

Who must ensure a skier is wearing coast guard approved life vest?


Are vests ugly- your opinion?

it depends of whom is wearing the vest, what type, colour or shape the vest is and where abouts you are wearing it? if ben r. is wearing the vest he lok bad-or worse GAY from your loving friends love

What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?

An investigator

Which conditions were present in over 80 percent of paddling fatalities from 1995 to 2000?

The people where never wearing a life vest

Which muscles are worked by wearing a weight vest?

Wearing a weight vest would use many muscles as it makes the muscles work harder. Weight Vest are best if starting out with a smaller weight and working up to the weight you want.

Hope the climber is wearing his vest as it keeps what energy in?


Hurting someone while wearing a bullet proof vest be sued?

You can always be sued for hurting someone. Is it worse to hurt someone while wearing a bullet proof vest? Not particularly.

Can you drown if you have on a life vest on and your jet ski turns over?

Yes. The life vests worn when people ride jet skis will keep you above water, but they won't necessarily keep your head out of the water. If you are knocked unconscious and you land such that you are face forward in the water, you could definitely drown. This is, of course, a very low risk.

Does it hurt when you are shot with a paintball gun but you are wearing a vest?

very little the vest almost takes up all the impact

Used for protection from bullets and water?

A vest is used for both- but not the same vest. A bullet proof vest, and a life vest.