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As a novelty, renowned Gold Coast (Australia) surf board shaper Nev Hyman constructed a 40 foot surfboard which was a scaled up replica of modern thruster shape. This was in 2005 or 2006? and about 20 people rode the thing at Snapper Rocks/Rainbow Bay. As a standard piece of equipment a few guys in Queensland Australia regularly ride - in all conditions - very big wooden boards. Cameron Byram rides a finless 20'6" 'toothpick'style board with alot of talent. In fact he can turn the thing and has been seen to tuck into barrells when history has always said they can only ride perpindicular to the wave - WRONG. Byram also surfs an 18'3" 75 kilogram timber and glass board with maybe the biggest fin in the world. The board is made by legend surfer/shaper Tom Wegener and is named the Ratu model after Fijian Chiefs. Those guys and their crew also surf 12, 14, 16 & 18 foot boards with and without fins REGULARLY and surf them hard. So, to answer who surfs the biggest board one really needs to nut out what is a novelty and what is seriously ridden. Aloha.

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