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Q: How Do Swim TouchPads Work?
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Related questions

Touchpads are found most often on?

touchpads are most found on notebook computers!

When were swimming touchpads invented?

in 1980

How does touchpads use sensors?

What touch pads sense is heat and pressure. For example, if you place a pen on the touch pad of a laptop or other computer, it will not do anything but if you touch it with your finger, it will work.

Does the laptop come with a touch pad It is hard to see from the pictures.?

All Apple notebooks have touchpads.

How does fishing boat work?

they swim

When it came to his work the swim teacher was?

Immersed in it!

What is the best thing to do at a swim meet besides swimming?

You can eat, watch other people swim, or work at the concession stand.

What hardware you use to put information into the computer?

keyboard, mouse, touchpads, external storage devices( including cameras etc...) is that what you are looking for?

When do swim coaches work?

Swim coaches are a rare species that live in forrests and feast on mushroooms. They don't usually socialise with other humans. The one time of the year they do work is Halloween.

Muscle that move when you swim?

Your abdominals work hard when you swim. Also your legs if your kicking, and your shoulders push the water to move you forward.

What work did the prospecters do?

swim in the river and hope to find gold. (this is true!)

What does Barack Obama enjoy when he does not work?

spend time with his family and swim.