this is no founder: people have been swimming since there has been water.
Man has been swimming longer than there has been a word for swimming... So...maybe Grunt McUgson =)
A Shark has been called ' the swimming nose' because of its great sense of smell
Wrexham swimming baths has been standing since May 1970
Of course not! Swimming has never really been invented, it has just been possible, thus taught.
Swimming has been an Olymipic sport since 1896. It has been open to Women since 1912
It has been there since the first Olympics.
Swimming has been held at every Olympic games since 1896. Open water swimming was added in the 2008 Olympics.
Dawn Fraser has been in the sport of swimming for 28 years.
It has not yet been announced when Swimming Bird will release a new video.
No, squids with lights swimming in the ocean have not been observed.
i don't think there really is a country of origin for swimming. As long as humans have been in existence people have been enjoying the water. Every country has lakes and oceans, etc. even if they didnt actually have swimming pools until the last century, they swam outdoors in natural settings.