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Skin of a human? I don't know, you tell me, how often do you get in the pool and absorb the water?...yeah...

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Q: Does the skin absorb water when swimming?
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Why does swimming in fresh water for an extended period of time cause epidermal swelling?

The cells of the epidermis (skin) absorb water and swell up.

Why does water roll off a person skin when the person get out off the swimming pool?

Gravity?? Real answer: Because the skin contains nonpolar lipid (fats) molecules.

How does a toad get its water?

They absorb it through their skin.

Where do frogs get water from?

They absorb it through their skin.

Do water moccasins absorb water through their skin?

No. As they are reptiles the skin of water moccasins is largely waterproof.

How do amphibians get the water they need to live?

they absorb it in their skin

Why do frogs drink water?

They absorb it threw their skin

Why does your skin get wrinkly after swimming?

To, much water on you skin will wrinckle up your skin that when osmosis kicks in

Can mumps virus be transmitted while swimming?

Molluscum is spread by skin-to-skin contact. It won't be spread by swimming pool water.

Why does water roll of a persons skin when you get out of a swimming pool?

it's the same as when ever a person gets water on their skin. Skin is waterproof.

Do all snake drink water?

The lay in their water and absorb it through their skin

Why do frogs never drink water?

They absorb it threw their skin