Yes, squid swim head first. They have a water jet and if the water jet shoots out water, it'll propel the squid, head first, throughout the water.
Sweetie the Squid and octupus always swims head first @previous answer.. you're wrong. squid swim feet first. the 2 long tentacles and the 8 legs are actually near the head because the the arms and tentacles close around the mouth. so when they swim they open and close their arms & tentacles making them swim fin up. therefore, squid swim FOOT FIRST "sweetie"
=How fast does a squid swim?==they can swim really fast=
a squid usually travels wth it's head first and somtimes with its feet
swim swim
A squid swims backwards because this direction makes it easiest to move in the water since its arms and head are on the front of their bodies. The squid can actually swim in any direction it chooses.
A giant squid can swim at speeds of 15 miles per hour or more.
it pushes its squid arm things up and doun like a jellyfish
eat plankton and swim
both swim in the ocean
They are slower than a squid, but they are still fast.
Snails have a shell, live on land. Squid live in the water, have tentacles, swim really well.
When you first enter the stage the squid will try to ram into you. Successfully dodge it the bite one of it's tentacles off. Repeat the cycle until the squid has only it's eyeballs left. (Hint: you can't bite off the really long tentacles.) Dodge his attack and rip the eyeballs off. Then, swim in front of these long pipe like things on the walls. as soon as the squid moves slightly forward, swim out of it's way. The squid will smash the pipe. Keep repeating this until a cutscene trigers. After the squid dies, you have to swim through the facility find the control room and eats someone.