it is not necessary.
Before he was 13 he had to be rescued from drowning 9 times -- 3 times from the Mississippi and 6 times from Bear Creek.
No, of course not. If a turtle is upside-down underwater, it means that it is drowning. At those times, you must save them quickly before they drown.
5 times
Well, you can always speak of how you miss them, and remember the fun times you had with that person.
That is an urban myth - it is not true.
get in car accidents?
What can a person do who can sleep for hours and always feel tried most of the times
That person is unknown because it happened before history was written in prehistoric times.
The valley from the Land Before Time franchise has always been referred to as the "Great Valley".
It has always been London, since Roman times.
i know its hard losing someone u know..try thinking about good times u had with that person..that person is always with you in spirit...and u can always pray