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Water aerobics does help if one is really out of shape, but it is better to do the exercise on land, therefore burning more calories if you want to lose weight.

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Q: Do water aerobics or land aerobics burn more calories?
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Which is better aerobics on land or water?

That depends on the individual person, but I think it's easier to do in water.

If you walk 1.0 mile in a pool how many miles do you walk on land?

1 mile. But you burn more calories walking through water.

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depends on how far you walk, are you going uphill, downhill or is it flat? if you walk on a flat area then you will not burn as much as the other two, uphill you will burn the most. all in all you will not burn a lot of calories unless you walk a pretty good distance and even a couple miles of flat land will only burn around 70 calories. a couple miles uphill could burn over 150.

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It all depends on your weight. If you run the whole thing and are about 130 pounds you may burn up to 250 calories. If you jog it will be a little less. :( if you run this amount every day for a week, you may result in loosing two or three pounds, if you watch what you eat!

How many calories do you burn doing aquasize?

Aquacizing or water-exercise, exercising while standing in a swimming pool, aids in toning and flexibility and a little strength, but actually burns less calories than land-based exercises due to the cooling influence of the water.

Does riding a bicycle burn more calories than swimming?

Answer:Running burns more kilo-calories than any other activity. How is this determined? Biophysicists measure how many kilo-calories are burned during an activity and produce what are called MET(metabolic equivalent of task) values. Running at various speeds when compared to similar effort in some other activity, has higher MET values than any other activity rated at a similar effort.Answer:When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.For the same length of time, riding flat out will burn more calories than a casual walk, while walking briskly can burn more than a casual ride.When you have a set distance, cycling will burn less calories than walking at the same level of effort, as the higher speed of the bike means you'll finish the distance faster.

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I heard it's not because i heard it spreads germs and could give an illness. Depends on where the kiss land.

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How many calories does a mail carrier burn?

This Depends on the mail route your on and how much walking you do as well as the land scape you have to walk in. If you do a full walking route with hills, and with an avg mail load you can burn upwards of about 2176-2500 in a day but if mail vol is low and your in flat lands it can be as low as 1000. Also if you have a driving route you can be as little as about 500 or less