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Yes - if the water is cold, you tend to swim faster because its colder and the cold makes the muscles tense up so you want to get out of the pool - if its hot, you might get relaxed and then you won't swim as fast.

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16y ago

If the water is cold enough it can cause a persons muscles to tighten making it more difficult to swim.

If the water is too warm your muscles loosen and you can become overheated and get tired. The average pool temperature for competitive swimming is 78F

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14y ago

In theory, yes as cold water is more dense than warmer water thus you will float higher in the water which will enable you to swim faster. At the extremes other factors will come into play such as hypothermia

However, cold water cause the body to restrict blood flow to the extremities, ie the arms and legs, protecting the vital organs. Reduction in blood flow to the muscles leads to a reduction in performance.

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14y ago

Yes, but the effect should be minimum.

As water cools it becomes more dense, Meaning that there is more mass per volume. As a boat moves through a given volume it must displace some of the water. Since ( F = M * a ) the boat must exert a certain force to move an amount of water. If there is more mass in that certain volume the boat must exert more force, thereby slowing the boat.

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15y ago

No it wont... It just cools you down more, which might help you, depending on how you like the temp.

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Not unless a person had been trained properly in order to swim the longer course of a pool. it comes from experience if they are training in a longer pool they they can increase speed and make there times come down but if they are first just starting a long pool then no it will not make them go faster in fact it Will actually slow them down! it comes from experience i swim competitively and coach as well as teach swim lessons!

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If by chlorine pool, you mean a pool filled with fresh water that uses chlorine (or bromine) as a sanitizer, then the question really is: Is a salt water pool faster than a fresh water pool? If by "faster", you mean ability to swim fast, then the answer is the salt water pool. A swimmer floats higher on salt water, therefore there is less water contacting less surface area on the swimmer's body, therefore, there is less resistance and a person could swim faster in a salt water pool. The salinity in a salt water pool is so minimal (maybe 1/6th to 1/12th the salinity of the ocean) the boyancy difference between a fresh water and salt water pool is minimal, if even measurable. However, swim times are measured in such small fractions of a second, the difference would be measurable in say Olympic type events, but not in your local swim club or school pool. Both answers above make good observations. I must say, though, that I disagree with the conclusion of the first. Having more surface area exposed makes for more drag, not less. Submarines are faster than surface ships and porpoises are faster under water than they are on the surface, right?

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