Yes! Nicholas did compete. How came 2nd in 200m breaststroke and 4th in 100m breaststroke.
Calaine Schafer's birth name is Calaine Schafer.
Franzsiska Schafer's age is not known. There is not much information that can be found about Franzsiska Schafer or her life.
Roy Schafer was born in 1922.
Harold Schafer died in 2001.
Harold Schafer was born in 1912.
Alice Schafer was an American mathematician. Alice Schafer died in 2009 and helped found the Association for Women in Mathematics.
Gustav Klaus Wolfgang Schafer
Schafer (also Schaefer) are lingistically German.
MLB player Jordan Schafer was born in Hammond, IN.
Tim Schafer was born on July 26, 1967.
Tim Schafer was born on July 26, 1967.