Belgian free diver Patrick Musimu dove to 209.6m in the Red Sea, that's 687ft people!
The deepest free-dive on record with AIDA International is 88 metres, which was obtained by William Trubridge in 2009 in 3 minutes, 30 seconds.
According to the sport governing body (AIDA) Austrian freediver Herbert Nitsch in Greece June 2007 reached 214 metres. Herbert Nitsch holds world records in 5 of the 8 free dive disciplines. See the related link below.
Most often, 30 foot dives will take place in open water. There are some dive training centers with dive pools that may be deep enough. If you are planning to free dive (hold your breath at surface, dive, and return), you can go out into open water and try some free diving, shallow at first. Do not do this without a swim/dive buddy. If you want to dive SCUBA, you'll need to get certified first to avoid killing yourself. When ascending after breathing air under pressure, you'll need to do it properly. Free dive or SCUBA dive, I would never recommend diving without a swim/dive buddy with you.
206 meters. For a free dive.
You dive in.
Although no official records are recognised, the highest recorded altitude at which a scuba dive has been verifiably conducted was 19,300 feet, by Dr Charles Brush in 1988 in Lago Licancábur. As that body of water is believed to be the highest altitude lake in the world, it is unlikely that the feat will ever be surpassed.NASA planetary geologis Dr. Natalie Cabrol holds the unofficial world record for high altitude freediving at the same location (19,300+ ft., Lago Licancábur, Chile/Bolivia, 2002). However, given the lake is only 18 feet at its deepest point, it was hardly a challenging free dive.A Russian team (Andrei Andryushin, Denis Bakin and Maxim Gresko) conducted a scuba dive at Lake Tilicho (16,000+ ft.) in the Anapurna range, Nepal, in 2000.French diver, Henry Garcia, also claims to have conducted a scuba dive in Lago Licancábur, Chile/Bolivia, in 1990, but no independent verification of his dive is known to exist.For an altitude depth record, Nuno Gomes completed a dive to 927 feet at Boesmansgat (Bushman's hole), South Africa, which is at an altitude of 5,000 feet. This is the deepest recorded altitude dive (defining an altitude dive as being one conducted at an altitude of 2,000 feet or greater). The decompression schedule used was the equivalent for a dive to a depth of 1,112 feet if conducted at sea level.I was just at Orca Dive Center on Easter Island, opened by Henri Garcia in 1980 after assisting J. Cousteau on a diving expedition. I did, in fact, see a certificate on his wall from Guinness World Records verifying that he did set the world record in 1995, completing a dive at an altitude of 5900 meters.
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The antonym for free fall is upturn. Free fall also has several synonyms such as dive, plummet, plunge, drop, and collapse.
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Limits to free speech were constitutional during national emergencies.
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