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Cleaning a bath with caustic soda with eventually ruin the finish of the tub. The best thing to clean a bath tub with, is with a mild dish detergent.

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Q: Cleaning a bath with caustic soda?
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Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known?

Sodium hydroxide is more commonly known as lye or caustic soda. It is a highly caustic substance commonly used in cleaning products and manufacturing processes.

When using Caustic Soda in engine cleaning what should you use to wash it off?


Common name for sodium hydroxide is soda?

Actually, the common name for sodium hydroxide is caustic soda. It is a strong base used in various industrial processes and as a cleaning agent.

What is caustic soda in tagalog definnition?

Caustic soda in Tagalog is "sosa kawstika."

What lye between caustic soda and caustic potash is good for making bath soap?

Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide, is typically used to make solid bar soaps, while caustic potash, also known as potassium hydroxide, is used to make liquid soap. To make bath soap, it's usually recommended to use caustic soda for solid soap bars due to its properties for creating a firm soap.

Common name for sodium hydroxide?

Sodium hydroxide is the scientific name for caustic soda.

Is caustic soda used in detergents?

Yes, caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide, is used in detergents as a cleaning and pH adjusting agent. It helps to break down dirt and grease by lowering the surface tension of water, allowing the detergent to clean more effectively.

Difference between caustic soda and borax?

One will make your clothes smell fresh, the other will dissolve them. Borax is sodium borate Caustic Soda is also called lye or sodium hydroxide. It is a very corrosive alkaline material.

What is caustic dish soap?

Caustic dish soap is a detergent for cleaning dishes that contains some form of washing soda, like baking soda. Caustic dish soap is designed to minimize the amount of grease residue left on dishes and in the dishwater. Caustic dish soap should be used with protective gloves to minimize dryness of the skin.

Are soda crystals same as caustic soda?

No, soda crystals (sodium carbonate) are not the same as caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). Caustic soda is a much more powerful alkaline substance, commonly used as a drain cleaner or oven cleaner, while soda crystals are milder and often used in cleaning and laundry for softening water and removing stains.

What is color of caustic soda?

Caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide, is a white solid.

Chimney Cleaning ?

Cleaning chimney is necessary for long life of chimneys. However, You can clean chimney from Caustic soda easily at home. If you looking the to clean chimney with caustic soda then you visit omghaar to find the steps of cleaning.