Yes, you can. You can also swim in Waimea Falls, a very famous spot.
Bish Bash Falls is the highest falls located in the state of Massachusetts. It is not possible to swim in the falls since railings have been installed to prevent falling.
Agers Falls is an at your own risk natural water park in Lyonsdale, New York. You can swim in it.
let it swim
yes you can
No, you may not swim in the Sioux Falls or "The Falls". The Sioux Falls are very rocky and there is no safe place in them for swimming. However, there is lots of swimming available in the city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation has 8 aquatic facilities located throughout the city. Many fitness centers have aquatic facilities as do many motels and hotels.
Go to tojo falls and swim for five minutes
no because considering its a waterfall... just not a good idea
At Niagara falls you can see rocks,little waterfalls you can jump off of all these things,you can go for hikes and swim in some really cold water
No, in Assassin's Creed I, Altair is unable to swim, and will die if he falls into a body of water.
by the end of new bark town and theres a lake swim in it and there is kanto falls but you have to have waterfall to climb it
Captain Matthew Webb died by attempting to swim Niagra Falls. He dived and smashed his head on jagged rocks.