Roughly somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes, depending on how much and how effective the chemical(s) put into the pool are and whether or not they are safe to swim in immdiately after they're mixed with the pool water.
No. Pool chemicals will kill the fish. Also water balance PH, and ALK levels will not support fish life.
my sack
It is recommended to wait at least 24 hours after adding borax to your pool before swimming to allow it to fully dissolve and distribute evenly in the water. This will ensure that the pH and alkalinity levels are balanced and safe for swimming.
You should wait a couple of hours before swimming in a pool after adding PH minus. Check your water before swimming to ensure that the PH has been lowered.
Soda Ash
It lowers PH
a swimming pool it should be neutral pH ie green
add a PH reducer chemical
That Acid is called Muriatic Acid. You put it in your swimming pool to lower the PH of the water. At lower PH Levels, the chlorine you use to sanitize the pool is more active, as a disinfectant. You MUST be careful not to put too MUCH Muriatic Acid in your pool! PH that is too low will create potentially deadly fumes, so test your water. Low pH is corrosive to plaster and metal pool parst.
Using sodium bicarbonate to lower pH in a swimming pool is not effective. Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is typically used to raise pH levels in pools. To lower pH in a pool, an acid such as muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate should be used.