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The answer is definitely yes. I have read three studies that were done since 2004 showing that football team members had spread MRSA through spa and pool water. However, there are ways to make the transmission much less likely. For example , one of the studies concluded that had the team members showered before using the common pools, the infection rate MAY have been reduced. But that is only part of the equation. Other factors include whether the infection is available through an open sore, which makes it much more likely that someone else will become infected. (compared to someone who may have contracted a form of MRSA in the past but no longer has any symptoms or any open wounds/sores through which the virus can be transmitted in the water) Finally, one of the studies showed that it is possible to kill MRSA in pool water with a concentration of at least 2.90 ppm of chlorine. Unfortunately, it is just not realistic to think one can ascertain the chemical levels in any pool other than one's own.

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See the related link for information on Swimming Pools and MRSA. I would not recommend going into a pool or hot tub if you have a wound (cut) on your skin.

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Q: Can you spread staph by swimming?
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When is it safe to Swimming with a staph infection?

No, it can spread to other people possibly. Staph needs to be treated, if not you could possibly de.

How do you spread staph infection?

The correct spelling is "staph infection." "Staph" is shorthand for staphylococcus, a kind of bacteria.

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That would be a most excellent way to spread staph.

Is staph infection from surgery contagious to others?

depends on type of staph, I have had skin staph infection for years and have never spread it to my wife. Nor have I been able to get rid of it. Not fun to deal with. Good luck.

How do you get staph infections?

Staph infection is spread like any other infection, by bacteria. It enters your body though cuts or your nose or mouth. Washing your hand is the key to prevent it.

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People can get staph infections from contaminated objects, but staph bacteria often spread through skin-to-skin contact - the bacteria can be spread from one area of the body to another if someone touches the infected area.

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Molluscum is spread by skin-to-skin contact. It won't be spread by swimming pool water.

What famous people have had mrsa infections?

Michael Jackson had staph infection that spread throughout his face and body.

Can staph infections spread to cats?

Yes, I recently took my dog to the vet, and it turned out there was a staph infection in both of his ears.

What is a good way to get rid of a staff infection?

For minor staph infections use gauze soaked in vinegar or rubbing alcohol. However, staph infections can spread and are contagious. Best bet is to go to a doctor and seek professional help.

Does bleach kill staph?

Yes, bleach is effective at killing staphylococcus bacteria on surfaces. It can be used as a disinfectant to help prevent the spread of staph infections. It is important to follow proper dilution instructions and safety precautions when using bleach.