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no never do that, that's disgusting

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Q: Can you practice with your crew team with recently diagnosed mono?
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How is mono diagnosed?

i have no idea ? it kisses u

Does Nigeria practice mono economy?


If you have mono does that mean the last person you kissed has mono?

Not necessarily. Usually you are contagious 6-8 weeks before you are diagnosed with mono. Therefore if the last person you kissed was within that time frame then there is a pretty good chance that he or she might have mono.

Can you get mono from playing the flute?

if someone recently put their saliva all over it, then yeah. but its not likely unless they are contagious with mono.

I have heard that people who have contracted mono though immune to it still carry the virus Does that mean people who have had it cannot donate blood?

Potential donors with a history of infectious mononucleosis are eligible for volunteer blood donation as long as they have not been diagnosed with mono-associated hepatitis and are currently asymptomatic. Patients who were diagnosed with hepatitis during the infection are permanently deferred.

What is a phlebotomist test used for?

A phlebotomist test is used to test an individuals blood. The results will shows things like mono, anemia and other problems that are easily diagnosed by just looking at someone.

Are Hinduism mono theists or poly theists?

last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.

What are the Shlomi saranga mono lyrics?

Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast

My Friend's girlfriend just got diagnosed with mono and most likely he has it. I took one sip out of a straw that he only took one sip in. what is the likelihood i will get it?

The likelyhood that you have mono is pretty good. But its not a gaurentee. If he for sure has mono, then you would probably have it for sure too, but you may have already had mono in the past and not even have known it, And since you cannot get mono twice, due to your body making antibodies, then you wont get it ever again. I once read that when you are very young, lots of kids get it and the symptoms are kind of unoticed, so you may have already had it. But i would still go get checked out just to make sure and just to get your mind at ease. I hope i was a help.

How is mononucleosis diagnosed?

Mono tests include:• Monospot test. This quick screening test detects a type of antibody (heterophil antibody) that forms during certain infections. A sample of blood is placed on a microscope slide and mixed with other substances. If heterophil antibodies are present, the blood clumps (agglutinates). This result usually indicates a mono infection. Monospot testing can usually detect antibodies 2 to 9 weeks after a person is infected. It typically is not used to diagnose mono that started more than 6 months earlier.• EBV antibody test. For this test, a sample of blood is mixed with a substance that attaches to antibodies against EBV. A series of tests can detect different types of antibodies to help determine whether you were infected recently or sometime in the past.

Should you be worried if you were diagnosed with mono and your spleen still hurts months later?

Yes, if your spleen still hurts months after being diagnosed with mono, it is important to follow up with your healthcare provider. Spleen enlargement is a potential complication of mono and can increase the risk of a ruptured spleen, which is a medical emergency. Your healthcare provider may recommend further evaluation or treatment to ensure your spleen is healing properly.

What is another name for mono saccharides?
